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The site is pretty easy to go through and has dedicated sections to various types of nude celebrities. They’re also conveniently categorized into a name A-Z, so if you have a particular interest in a single lady, the best way to find it is via those links provided. PornEcho likes NakedCelebGallery’s Lots of celebrity nudity... [Read the full review]



PornEcho likes FakeTheBitch’s Free celebrity fakes Interactivity Request a fake PornEcho hates FakeTheBitch’s Some are pretty awful Popups



We’ve all heard of celebrity fakes, where someone takes a porn photo and sticks the head of a famous celebrity on, to make it look like it was that actual celebrity involved in all sorts of debauchery! Famous board is a forum full of celebrity fakes where you can simply browse or even upload your... [Read the full review]



PornEcho likes BCFakes’s Celebrity Fakes A-Z Listing PornEcho hates BCFakes’s Advertising Popups



This site is pretty self explanatory, CFake is a celebrity fakes site where people with far too much time on their hands use computer graphics programs to merge porn with celebrities faces. Some of them are pretty realistic, and others are absolute crap.   The homepage is filled with newest images and a number of... [Read the full review]


CelebJihad is a satirical website containing published rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, fiction as well as factual information. Information on this site may or may not be true and is not meant to be taken as fact. Celeb Jihad’s owner makes no warranty as to the validity of any claims.” Responses to CelebJihad Obviously, CelebJihad (often... [Read the full review]