Best Celebrity Blogs – Watch over 850 best porn sites sorted by categories and quality
TMZ is the ultimate in celebrity gossip websites. It may be more of your wife’s kind of thing, but it is quite handy when celebrities go all out to get your attention. Cue the J.Lo Booty video! The site is designed like a news/blog site with latest news shown pretty much at the top. ... [Read the full review]
If you like your celebrity news with a touch of snark then Perez Hilton is probably right up your alley. Perez is one of the most famous celebrity bloggers out there and with a site updated so many times a day you wonder when he sleeps, there is always something for everyone. Your favorite show,... [Read the full review] is a satirical website containing published rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, fiction as well as factual information. Information on this site may or may not be true and is not meant to be taken as fact. Celeb Jihad’s owner makes no warranty as to the validity of any claims.” Responses to CelebJihad Obviously, CelebJihad (often... [Read the full review]